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Click on the button below and fill in your details to find an Edgetech approved installer close to you. Our supplier database contains details about glazing suppliers and installers who use Edgetech spacers for enhanced window performance.

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Isolation Thermique Triseal Diagram

The Future is in Our Hands

As creators of market-leading insulating glass spacer systems, at Edgetech we’ve always challenged ourselves to deliver more for our customers.

Whether it’s creating products that exceed industry standards in thermal efficiency or helping homeowners to improve their home’s energy efficiency performance, Edgetech creates and delivers the tools our customers need to excel.

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Why choose glazing products that contain Edgetech technology?

With the government pledging to go carbon neutral by 2050, the glazing industry and the construction sector more broadly are seeking to dramatically reduce home carbon emissions. With Super Spacer, both new-build homes and retro fitted properties can benefit from improved thermal performance and pave the way towards a more sustainable future.

View Our Product Range
Condensation Icon

Condensation Reduction

Increase your standard of living and create a more pleasant, healthy interior living space.

Noise cancellation Icon

Noise Reduction

Boost acoustic insulation and enjoy a quieter and calmer home. Perfect for homes in city centres and close to noisy roads or airports.

Environment Icon

Environmentally Friendly

Do your bit to protect the environment and help reduce your carbon footprint for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Guarantee Icon

40 Year Guarantee

Relax in the knowledge that your investment is fully protected. Super Spacer will provide decades of outstanding performance.

Young family by uPVC doors

Products You Can Trust

Edgetech Super Spacer® uses innovative warm edge technology to help reduce condensation and prevent heat loss through your windows. It is made from non-conductive silicone foam and is inserted between the glass panes of a sealed window unit during manufacture. Super Spacer is compatible with almost all double and triple glazed units and has been used in buildings around the world.

About Our Components

Helping the environment, one home at a time.

We are now facing a global energy crisis. As regulations surrounding home improvements become increasingly strict, it is more important than ever to ensure that your home is as energy efficient as possible.

When Edgetech Super Spacer is used in a home glazing replacement project, the UK's carbon emissions are slightly lowered. Every time a window uses Super Spacer, we are getting one step closer to the government's carbon neutral goal by 2050.

Learn about our environmental policy
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Find a glazing installer who use Edgetech

Finding glazing installers in your local area who use Edgetech warm edge technology couldn’t be easier.

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Where applicable your enquiry will be passed to up to 3 carefully selected partners local to you, so that they can get in touch to discuss your project.  

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